Barr’s Damsel


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Hook TMC 200R #8-12
Thread Danville Olive 6/0
Eyes Small Black Bead Chain Eyes
Body Antron Dubbing, Light Olive
Tail Olive Marabou
Thorax Antron Dubbing, Light Olive
Shellback Tan Scud Back
Legs Olive Mallard Flank Fibers
Ribbing Monofilament
Damsel Nymph
Damsel Nymph
John Barr

John Barr

Barr’s Damsel

Designed by John Barr. Damsel Nymphs are a good choice in many stillwater situations, especially during June and July. Work the nymph with a slow erratic retrieve particularly around the edges of weedbeds. Use an intermediate sinking line or a floating line with long leader. John’s design is a good durable choice since the wire shank of the hook is utilized as the abdomen. Keep the marabou tail a tuft of about one half the shank length and pinch-tear the tip of the marabou fibers so that the webbiness extends almost to the tips. Use a bead chain type of eye to give the fly some weight and offer some jigging action.