Burk’s Hunchback Infrequens (HBI)

Andy Burk

Andy Burk

Burk’s Hunchback Infrequens (HBI)

This fly was originated by Andy Burk for PMD hatches on the Fall River in Northeastern California. Andy worked as a guide and noticed a drop-off on the hits of Pheasant Tail Nymphs. He discovered that the trout became accustomed to the PTN and declined the offering. Part of the problem was translucency and a hunchback configuration. Andy resolved this by selecting a scud-type hook and utilizing a rust-colored rabbit dubbing that matched the nymphs color but also gave a fibrous translucency to the fly.

Baetis Colorations

The fly is used as a primary nymph pattern for PMD’s but can also be used for Baetis hatches. Use of a Scud-type hook is also found on John Barr’s Emerger and is excellent in producing the natural curvature of the nymph. Use of a rabbit blend is also found in many excellent nymphal patterns such as Kauffman’s Nymphs. The blends give a more realistic coloration and the rabbit dubbing will sink easily into the water column. Andy found the the naturals had a rusty orange color that had a translucent quality. By applying the dubbing in a somewhat loose wrap, the appearance of translucency is achieved.
