Tangerine Dream


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Hook TMC 200R, #8
Thread Danville Brown 6/0
Body Burnt Orange Haretron Dubbing
Legs Brown dyed Partridge
October Caddis
October Caddis
Ralph and Lisa Cutter

Ralph and Lisa Cutter

Tangerine Dream

Guide Ralph Cutter designed this fly for the pupa form of October Caddis. It is particularly effective when used during mid September to October in many freestone streams of the Sierra. I’m guessing that Ralph’s naming of this pattern was a tribute to the rock band of the 70’s. Ralph also found the pattern was capable for hooking Smallmouth Bass that had made their way into the Truckee River system from Boca Reservoir.

Hogan Brown creates his version of the Tangerine Dream with his October Caddis pattern.