East Fork Carson 1


SKU: EFC1 Category:


East Fork Carson 1 covers the Carson River between Hangman’s Bridge on Hwy 89 and Ruhenstroth Dam near Gardner, NV. Topographic relief showing features surrounding the river. Shows camping areas, GPS Long./Lat., road access, trails, and property boundaries. Special Features are the Hatch Chart, Fishing Season and Regulations, Fish Identification, Historic Flow Chart, Nymphing Rigs, and Stream Etiquette guidelines.

This section of the East Fork Carson 1 became a designated Wild Trout stream in 1992. There are numerous deep pools holding Browns up to 7 Lbs. and Rainbows up to 22″.  There are also a few Lahontans getting up to 10 Lbs. This section was also known for Mountain Whitefish which can get to 20″.

For additional regions of the Carson river, visit the website.