Golden Pheasant Crest


2 in stock

SKU: GP-C-18 Category:


Golden Pheasant Crest come from the top of a Golden Pheasant’s Head. A must for tailing and topping many traditional Atlantic salmon patterns, contemporary steelhead wets, classic New England Streamers, trout wets and more. Their shape and fineness makes them perfect for tails and as a topping over a wing on a fly. Golden Pheasant Crest is used on the Gray Ghost. Due to export difficulties, these crests are hard to acquire but we still have some available through Nature’s Spirit.

You can obtain the proper curvature of the crest by soaking the crest in warm water and then place the crest on a bottle that has the curvature you desire. Use a brush to straighten out the fibers and let them sit on the bottle. You will get a perfectly fitted crest every time.