Upper Kern 5


SKU: UK5 Category:


Upper Kern 5 covers the Upper Kern River between Forks of the Kern and Hole in the Ground. Shows camping areas, trails, and creeks. Special Features are the Hatch Chart, Nymph Rigging, Fishing Season and Regulations, and Stream Etiquette guidelines.

Upper Kern 5 at Hole in the Ground has a lot of riffle water near the end of the trail. The trail cannot go further downstream due to the canyon walls. During late Summer or during drought years you can wet wade into this canyon and reach Hells Hole. This stretch of the river has Kern River Rainbows 14-18″.  Grasshopper Flat is a freestone stream with plenty of boulders, riffles, and small pools. This is a popular section to fish with Kern River Rainbows 14-16″. Taking the Kern River Trail from Forks of the Kern for 12 miles  is Kern Flat. A couple of established campsites are available at the flat. The river in this section has large riffle areas, some pools, and lots of runs.

For more information on Kern River, see the website.